Experience Recovery


Thursday evenings from 6-7:30 pm

What is Experience Recovery?

We are a group that meets to get help and to help each other with the solutions and answers to our problems.  We are here for one another and for ourselves.  

We have been there and have been given hope through the power of our Savior.  We have seen our lives get better and now would like the opportunity to share this with you and offer you a chance for us to help one another.

What are we trying to do?

The idea of this meeting is to offer a chance at a better life.  We are a Christ-based 12 step program because we realize that we cannot manage our lives by ourselves.  We are a group that wants to offer you the word of God and the opportunity to experience the gifts that God has to offer.

Who do we help?

We can help with all kinds of problems... shopping, work, drinking, video games, sex, drugs, food issues and the list continues...



Questions? Contact John Eng at (218) 310-1385


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